Based on your business needs, there are different connectivity products, with different speeds, SLA’s and prices. Below gives a brief overview of these;
SoGEA – Fibre Broadband
We offer a widely-available Fibre product, known as SoGEA (Single order Generic Ethernet Access) which is the replacement product for FTTC (Standard Fibre), as the PSTN switch-off approaches.
With speeds of up to 80Mbps downstream, and up to 20Mbps upstream, this is a perfect solution for small businesses, and is priced accordingly.
Assured Broadband
A specialist product designed to support our IP telephony services.
Converged Broadband
Combining Assured Broadband and internet access using just one circuit, underpinned by a stringent SLA.
Speed dependent on whether standard or Fibre broadband is used.
FTTP – Fibre to the Premises
Also known as ‘Ultrafast’ or ‘Full Fibre’, FTTP is a pure fibre connection from the exchange, into a business resulting in the ability to deliver broadband speeds far higher and more reliably than a SoGEA connection irrespective of the cable run distance.
However, this service is not as widely available.
Fibre Ethernet (Leased Line)
This service is delivered using end-to-end fibre optic connections up to 10Gbps.
This a completely dedicated circuit to your business, with guaranteed, symmetrical speeds and a high fix SLA.